The Bokkie's Biltong Story
Growing up in South Africa I remembered my dad and uncles always processing their own farm raised meats themselves. I remember spending the whole weekend on the farm with all my cousins’ aunties and uncles we would all have a task to do. The dads all cut the meats up in the barn and the moms would have to package it all and split it between all the families and of course the kids got the best job (not) we got to hang with our chins over the sink filled with beef, pork and lamb casings tide up in knots and let’s not forget that O, so tasty salt water and cleaning out those casings before the sausage had to be made, but one thing was for sure I always know that I was getting the best quality meat you can find anywhere fresh from the farm raised by my family.
Immigrating with my family from a small town in South Africa when I was 14 years old we did not have that choice for quality farm raised meats anymore it took a while, as my parents were starting their lives over in Canada. As dad got the opportunity and the resources he started buying beef, lamb, pork and chicken from local farmers again, in no time we were standing back in the garage processing local farm raised meats for our family again. Having my first child Nicholas 9 years old then Alyssia 4 I realized how blessed I was knowing that my family could enjoy without a doubt where their meats was coming from.
One fall Saturday morning, I was standing with my dad in the garage a weekend that just seem so normal to me growing up. We were talking about how lucky and how greatful we are to not only to live in one of the greatest countries, but how blessed we are to be surrounded by such amazing people in our community, talking about some of the obstacles by parents faced coming here as the first generation to Canada and all the wonderful things my father has been able to do for his family.
In no time standing there talking and thinking I turned around and felt this joy over me. Hearing my kids and my niece playing in the background my mother and father laughing, my brother and sister with their spouses laughing about my brother only eating the biltong and not wanting to touch it when it is raw. Seeing how my father brought a piece of home with us to Canada. Here we were my dad’s childhood memories, my childhood memories and now my children’s childhood memories. As I stood there next to my dad I looked over at him and said “I really like these memories with you and want more of them I want to open a little butcher shop”. He looked at me and as always supporting his children no matter what he said to me “Go for it Bokkie, let’s just do it, close your eyes and just go for it”.
Well and so we went for it, we opened a butcher shop in Barrie, Ontario. Four years later, I had the most amazing memories every time my dad was standing next to me at 4am cutting meat to get ready before the butcher shop opened. Now I get to sail this ship on my own and make my dad and mom proud by continuing his childhood memories, mine and my children’s to my local butcher shop and make it part of my community and their families memories.
At Bokkies Biltong it is our pride to strive to ensure that we serve our clients with premium quality fresh local meats as well as international imported meats, cheese, and specialty groceries, and how can you end there when you have mom’s handcrafted baking fresh desserts daily. We want our community across Ontario to have the opportunity to buy local fresh as well as experience what the world has to offer with our international selection. Our staff is committed to achieving a new standard of excellence in personalised customer service every day.
Opened on 0ct 8th 2011, Bokkies Biltong has been provincially licenced as a free-standing meat plant. We are proud to say that we are under weekly inspections under Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA). We are held at much higher standards which includes record keeping of every product that we produce in our facility. Our mission is to embrace future growth by continuously educating ourselves as well as our unique staff. Keeping up with our industry with new ideas and creativity, as well as staying in compliance with OMAFRA. With staff that are committed to achieving a new standard of excellence in personalised customer service every day.
When exploring our shop, allow your senses to become tantalised by the aromas of our hanging biltong, smoked meats and cheese the sights and smells of the spices. Hungry yet? As you hear the bustling noise of meat being prepared to perfection. A walk through our shop you will experience a full range of colors in the shelves from sauces, and much more it is truly a feast for the your senses walking into our little local butcher shop.
Immigrating with my family from a small town in South Africa when I was 14 years old we did not have that choice for quality farm raised meats anymore it took a while, as my parents were starting their lives over in Canada. As dad got the opportunity and the resources he started buying beef, lamb, pork and chicken from local farmers again, in no time we were standing back in the garage processing local farm raised meats for our family again. Having my first child Nicholas 9 years old then Alyssia 4 I realized how blessed I was knowing that my family could enjoy without a doubt where their meats was coming from.
One fall Saturday morning, I was standing with my dad in the garage a weekend that just seem so normal to me growing up. We were talking about how lucky and how greatful we are to not only to live in one of the greatest countries, but how blessed we are to be surrounded by such amazing people in our community, talking about some of the obstacles by parents faced coming here as the first generation to Canada and all the wonderful things my father has been able to do for his family.
In no time standing there talking and thinking I turned around and felt this joy over me. Hearing my kids and my niece playing in the background my mother and father laughing, my brother and sister with their spouses laughing about my brother only eating the biltong and not wanting to touch it when it is raw. Seeing how my father brought a piece of home with us to Canada. Here we were my dad’s childhood memories, my childhood memories and now my children’s childhood memories. As I stood there next to my dad I looked over at him and said “I really like these memories with you and want more of them I want to open a little butcher shop”. He looked at me and as always supporting his children no matter what he said to me “Go for it Bokkie, let’s just do it, close your eyes and just go for it”.
Well and so we went for it, we opened a butcher shop in Barrie, Ontario. Four years later, I had the most amazing memories every time my dad was standing next to me at 4am cutting meat to get ready before the butcher shop opened. Now I get to sail this ship on my own and make my dad and mom proud by continuing his childhood memories, mine and my children’s to my local butcher shop and make it part of my community and their families memories.
At Bokkies Biltong it is our pride to strive to ensure that we serve our clients with premium quality fresh local meats as well as international imported meats, cheese, and specialty groceries, and how can you end there when you have mom’s handcrafted baking fresh desserts daily. We want our community across Ontario to have the opportunity to buy local fresh as well as experience what the world has to offer with our international selection. Our staff is committed to achieving a new standard of excellence in personalised customer service every day.
Opened on 0ct 8th 2011, Bokkies Biltong has been provincially licenced as a free-standing meat plant. We are proud to say that we are under weekly inspections under Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA). We are held at much higher standards which includes record keeping of every product that we produce in our facility. Our mission is to embrace future growth by continuously educating ourselves as well as our unique staff. Keeping up with our industry with new ideas and creativity, as well as staying in compliance with OMAFRA. With staff that are committed to achieving a new standard of excellence in personalised customer service every day.
When exploring our shop, allow your senses to become tantalised by the aromas of our hanging biltong, smoked meats and cheese the sights and smells of the spices. Hungry yet? As you hear the bustling noise of meat being prepared to perfection. A walk through our shop you will experience a full range of colors in the shelves from sauces, and much more it is truly a feast for the your senses walking into our little local butcher shop.
Anneke Breed (aka) Bokkie!